The effects of global warming are already here. Droughts, wildfires, extreme rain, ice gaps melting, the Earth's Albedo dropping quickly (which makes the problem worse), more intense and frequent hurricanes, coral bleaching, drops in food production, fish dying on mass from heat, entire countries being almost unlivable, insurance companies giving up on entire regions, ecosystem destruction... We'll, you get the picture.
Not only have the predictions come true, they have happened much faster than expected. Furthermore, by 2035 we will already be at 2C above the 1830's industrial baseline, which is very bad and pretty much (pardon the pun) baked in at this point.
Our slow transition to EVs and renewable energy is not nearly enough, and trying to solve the problem with business-as-usual, without addressing the root cause will not work. Our global GHG emissions are still going up and will do as we frantically need more and more energy just to live, and we continue to have more and more people wanting more and more. The action we need (needed 50 years ago), is to take control of ourselves, get rid of our worship of the almighty dollar and to live low tech and properly sustainably. And we know that action is never going to happen because no one actually wants to live like that. So you know, we will try to throw more technology at the problem....